Tuesday, August 13, 2013


This was a clear color Juicy Fruit e-liquid.  Not clear anymore.  I call it my
"Smoking extract". Thank God.
Like I say...Juicy Licious!
Ha ha, I'm laughing  at myself because I am always on a quest to better my methods, and or get a different way of medicating.  I find a lot of folks have to be discreet with the distinct smell of the cannabis weed.  Well here is the easiest method ever in a small crock pot or double boiler.


  • Cannabis 3.5 grams ground but not powder
  • Flavored E-liquid found at your local tobacco smoke shop $5- $10. dollars
  • One small jar with tight fitting lid. Or you can use the crock pot directly.  I experiment in small scale first.
  • Crock pot or double boiler.

All you need to do is put your herbs in a clean jar,crock pot or a double boiler, pour smokeable tobacco eliquid (I used Juicy Fruit.) more or less depending on how strong you want it and how much weed you have.  I filled the crockpot with enough water to almost submerge the jar.  Simmer on low for 36 hours and strain in a cofffee filter.  Voila!  Very tasty and nice smelling Smokable THC Glycerin Extract.  Great way to medicate whenever you have the need to vape.
Thanks for allowing me to be of service, till the next time...Many blessings:)


Mary Helen


Hi everyone, If you are here most likely you are like me on a quest for a healthier, cheaper way to medicate.  I am a senior on a fixed income, so I am always look for another alternative by DIY (Doing it yourself:)  I am a medical cannabis patient, and it can get quite expensivc to medicate, especially concentrates.  Also, others folks I see at the medical pharmacies that   have concentrate bars, tend to hack or cough like me.  I can't afford to cough so I added herbs to help with my inhalation, without affecting the quality of the concentrated oil.

Not necessary but so refreshing as a suplingual
tincture or a chest or back rub Yum:)
Have you ever purchased thc oil for the vape pens?  Pretty expensive right? I bought my first vape pen at my favorite medical pharmacy for $125.00.  Guess, they saw me coming.  Lol. They sell cartridges filled with thc e-liquid for $75.00.  So after a few days my cartridge was empty, and so was my pocket book. After many days of searching, I felt confident enough to go ahead  with making my own THC oil for my vape pen.  I had 10 grams top shelf shake and got to work experimenting.  I posted another method earlier, where it worked in one vape pen but only clogged the other.   Here goes my preferred method that has worked for both my vape pens.  One for stable concentrates, and the other vape pen works for oils only.

My goal is to get all the medicinal benefits from the green herbs as possible.  Why you might ask?  Because for one, chlorophyll is quite healthy and is found in green plants.  Why I am trying to get all the medicinal properties from the plants?  Because, besides THC, they are loaded with:
  • THC
  • Cannabinoids
  • Chlorophyll
  • Phyto-nutrients
  • Major Anti-oxidants
  • Vitamins
  • Put in Freezer to freeze
  • Minerals
I know there are many more health benefits but this is just what comes to mind right now.  So, on that note, please don't criticize the greenness of my concentrated herbal oils.  It works for me  and my vape pen just fine:))  And that is all that matters.  If you want to try what works for me...be my guest.  Personally, I would like for my throat to be coated with the above noted benefits.  How I made this was quite easy.

Ingredients for wax:
  • Cannabis 10 grams dried,  ground but not powdered.  Can use more or less. I used "Shake".
  • Rosemary 6 sprigs  (Optional.  Loaded with nutrition and to help with the cough)
  • Water 1 cup
  • Vegetable glycerin 2 tablespoons.  I found mine in the cake decorating supplies
  • Clarified butter 1 tablespoon   (Optional, It is medicine and is an absorbing vessel)
  • Canola oil 1 tablespoon (Optional.  I chose this oils because it has little viscosity. Note I wont use this again.  I find this unnecessary.)
  • Eucalyptus Oil 1 teaspoon  Great to open the lungs and helps with the cough.
  • Small crock pot
  • Coffee filters 2
  • Concentrated THC wax 1/2-1 gram, not crumbly. *** Optional*** but recommended
  • Mix all ingredients and put in a small crock pot for 8 hours. The smell is menthol, and good  for those sinuses.
  • Strain two times with coffee filter.
Frozen state
  • Freeze overnight, lift frozen oil and put in a small glass jar.  Discard water.  Notice if you touch the oil it melts at body temperature.  I can feel the menthol in the eucalyptus the minute it hit my skin.  But when it hit my lungs and opened them up naturally...well that was wonderful:)  So this step works as is in the vape pen.  However, my plan was to add some wax I had just made earlier today using 91% ISO alcohol. The other 9% is just plain water.  I say this because many folks think that because it is not 100% it must have additional additives.  Well, its just water, and CVS sells 91% ISO pretty cheap.  

***Optional Wax Step 2:  Put small glass container with your glycerin oil in another pot with water.  A homemade double boiler if you will.  Heat on low. You want to heat this up just enough to be able to mix your wax in (Otherwise the wax and glycerin will not mix when cold).  Once mixed well, I of course fill my vape pen and voila.  It works wonderfully, and I'm a happy camper.
I store my oil concentrates in the freezer and take out just what I need to fill my pens for the day.

1/3 of the end result saved for a few chest rubs hehe:)
To be honest I added the oils since after all I was trying to make an oil.  However, the glycerin method tasted ok with the hint of menthol.  Once I added the wax concentrate the taste was more of a waxy coating on my tongue.  But it is wax.  Maybe I will leave out the canola oil.  Otherwise, I have not had a problem with any of my vape pens clogging as long as you strain it well.  It vapes medication well.  With this method I made enough to fill at least 8-10 cartridges easy.  I'd say I just saved me a lot of money as each pre-filled cartridge costs $75.00 here in Hollywood.

I glad to share with you my findings on how to DIY THC e liquid.  Please feel free to share this with others if you like.  You are welcome to pin this if you like.  So far, there is not a lot of info on the internet on how to make your own medicated vaping oils.  If you tried this, let me know.  If you have a better idea, please let me know.  Till the next time...Many blessings


Mary Helen

Glycerin oil

Glycerin and wax oil
Now I can fill my pens for a few times.  Also, I like to out a few drops under
my  tongue!  This is my preferred way to use this recipe.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


This is how I made this simple GREEN DRAGON GLYCERIN TINCTURE that works great as a  E-LIQUID FOR YOUR REFILLABLE VAPE PENS OR CAN  BE TAKEN SUBLINGUALLY.  Note this information is for medically approved patients.  I am no doctor nor do I profess to be.  Just like many of you, I search for true well being through natural remedies.  I just share what works for me.  Blessings all...Mary Helen

On my journey into wellness, I have had the pleasure of saying no to most of the 300+ pills the doctors told me I couldn't live without monthly, and have substituted them for medical marijuana with my doctors approval.  It takes most of my depression, aches, and pain that I endure at age 64.   For the first time in my life I feel like I can think for myself, and am no longer doing that old age shuffle.  Or the medication drag dance.  At least I can laugh at myself.  Right?  Hey I'm not perfect, but I feel so much better than before.  Anyway back to my Green Dragon Glycerin Tincture.

This is the empty cartridge that the pharmacy sold me.  Empty after one week. They said that I just throw it away and
buy another cartridge for $75.00.  I found the plug, and carefully removed it to fill it with my own liquid.  I think I
can find another way to spend my money.
I run a kitchen here in Hollywood, and I show folks they usually can get a great meal even if they don't have all the ingredients, and how they can cook a healthy meal for a family for only $3.00.  So I'm creating all the time.  Thus, I never follow a recipe.

Last time I was at my local pharmacy I let them sell me a vape pen with a THC cartridge.  All for $125.00  Ouch, right?  But at the time all I heard was it was good for 200 puffs.  That was all I needed to hear.  Well, I found out at a hefty price it was the battery that lasted for 200 puffs, not the cartridge.  The cartridge lasted only a week and that was using it sparingly.  They also sell cartridges for $75.00.  I think I was had.  By the way the vape pen was a cheap generic pen.  Lesson well

So in my research to make a THC E-liquid I found many ways.  Some recipes in my opinion seemed too diluted or  unsafe to use.  One site said to use propelyne glycol.  Of course I googled it and found it to be a chemical solvent.  Glad to say, I didn't have any, but I did have some Green Dragon Tincture made from Bacardi 151 (an edible solvent) that I had made several months ago.  I still had it because it was unbearable to use  under the tongue.  It always made me tear, and I don't like the taste of alcohol.  But now with this recipe this Green Dragon Glycerin is sweet but bearable.

So this is how I made this simple GREEN DRAGON GLYCERIN TINCURE that works great as a  E-LIQUID FOR YOUR REFILLABLE VAPE PENS or SUBLINGUAL.

I put the pharmacy bought wax with the green dragon and vegetable glycerin
in the same small container.  I put that container in another heat proof dish
(the white bowl) and set it on the pot of hot water.It will all melt together
once heated.  I stir with a small utinsil like a glass dabber.  Once heated, it's
done.  So simple.  Just inject into the sides of the cartridge.
  • 1/2 to 1 gram THC oily wax concentrate.  Not the crumbly one (approx. $40.)
  • Vegetable Glycerin equal parts to wax concentrate ($3.)
  • Green Dragon Tincture little less than equal parts to wax concentrate. (I make my own)
  • Mix the three ingredients in a small container.  Notice it will not mix but clump separately.  
  • Put this container in another small but larger heat resistant bowl.  
  • Put bowl in a pot of hot water with the stove on low.  
  • A close up of the generic G-pen cartridge  Pull the mouthpiece off then you
    will see the small gray plug. Careful not to rip it, as it is a delicate small
     silicone plug.
  • Stir with a dabber or something small.  Avoid getting any water in the tincture.  Do not overheat.  It can bubble over quickly or end up too thick to use in the vape.  Work quickly while it is still warm to fill the vape pen cartridge.  It flows easier while warm.

Note that a lot of your vape pens and e-cigs say they are not refillable when in fact they are.  Just look for the plug. They just want you to spend your money.  If you got it, great.  If not, we do what we have to do right?  Right.  This can refill about 4-6 cartridges depending on the vape pen and the cartridge size.

Whoa, I just saved me money.  Anyway, I hope this can help you too.  Please feel free to share or comment.  Thanks for allowing me to be of service.  Till then, many blessings.

Mary Helen.
Voila!  This cheap but expensive vape pen is full and ready to go.  By the way I did invest in a better but cheaper
EGO C14. 1100mah  and I am quite happy, as it too is easy to refill and has a large chamber.  Sweet:)
It is not the best vape pen, but for the price it works great, and is rated 4 star.  I've also refilled a non refillable Maya brand e-cig.  Just find the plug.  I've done some research.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Doctored instant oatmeal using parsley, cinnamon and canna-butter.
Canna have another  bowl please:)
Parsley comes to mind whenever I think of oatmeal.  It's something I have been doing for years and I think it's about time I share it with you.  Why parsley?  Because for one, it is full of natural vitamins and minerals.  Like vitamin K, A, C, and minerals like  potassium and iron. Another good reason is a chemical call phyto-chemicals also known as micro-nutrients.

Parsley is one herb that should be in everyone's medicine cabinet.  That's how powerful it is.  I could go on and on but you have to do your own research.  My main goal is to excite you enough to investigate it yourself, and use it in your everyday meals.  It's so easy to add to about anything to boost up the nutritional
value of something not so nutritional.  like a cup of noodles.  Hey, sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do and if that's all one has on hand why not make the best of it right?  Have you ever had a cup of parsley tea, or add it to a cup of broth and drink it as it is maybe with a hint of lemon.  Very tasty and healthy drink.  Anyway back to the oatmeal.

Add your favorite butter.  I had  my herbs
extracted in butter.  See the color?  Green
is always good.
I live in the city where there is a lot of hustle and bustle.  A lot of hurried folks, including me at times.  I try not to be in a hurry but sometimes that's just the way it is and I just work with it.  Thank the Lord.  I enjoy cooking but sometimes instant food comes in real handy. But in my books it could always use a little doctoring to make it healthier, and tastier, and more satisfying.  I work with what I have.  Here is my one bowl recipe.  No need to wash pots here either.  Ready in two minutes.  One minute prep time, one minute cooking time.

  • Quick Oats 1/2 cup
  • Water one cup
  • Parsley 1-2 teaspoons
  • Cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
  • Butter or Coconut oil  (Any oil will work fine, however, avoid margarine as they are unhealthy and are artery clogging and the nutrition does not get absorbed thoughout your body like with butter or coconut oil)
  • Brown Sugar ( to taste, can use any sweetener)
  • Microwavable bowl
  • A simple healthier than before bowl of
    oatmeal.  Canna have another
    bowl please:)))
  • Milk 1/4 cup (can use any kind of milk)  Almond milk really compliments this dish

Put all ingredients except milk in microwavable bowl and cook for one minute on high.  Let set one minute before eating.  Enjoy this great tasting comfort food.
By the way cinnamon is also a very volatile herb, and, according to Aurvedic Medicine it is an excellent herb to wake the body up.

Don't let my simple recipe stop you from being creative.  Apples or applesauce would work too, so would bananas or raisins...as for herbs try using green tea.  It tastes great too.  Just a little greener, but pretty powerful herbs.   If you medicate with cannabis.  This will work for you too.  The medication lasts longer without having to smoke it.  Just be careful and use responsibly and under the care of your medical doctor. Note:  Not all green herbs are suitable for this dish.

So here you have another healthier simple recipe for you, good enough to share it with your fellow friend or family.  I hope you have fun in the kitchen and get healthy in doing so. A simple recipe for you, good enough to share it with your fellow friend or family.  Please feel free to comment and I will reply as soon as I can.  Enjoy your day and many blessings.

Mary Helen

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Lemon Herbed Rice using cannabis extract via the citric acid method
 and cilantro.  It can easily  be turned into a delicious salad adding tomatoes, and
green onions. etc.  Be creative and share your recipes, as there is no
end to being creative.  Make sure to have fun doing it.
I am sure by now you all know that I am  a firm believer that "Food is Medicine".  It all depends on how you prepare it.  Herbs are truly medicine and has been used since the beginning of time and has an abundant amount of medicine in it. White rice is a grain product used throughout the world.  Some countries make a congee which is rice or grain that has been cooked for hours.  White rice although it has been washed and depleted of most of its nutrition is still good for weak stomachs and used in many countries.  It is used for babies, the sick, or the elderly.  It is also used as a vessel if you will to add additional nutrition (medication) to the simple grain.  So with that I am presenting a simple rice dish with just herbs and a little oil.  I used my citric acid extract because it cooks and breaks down easily in water.  Besides it is best to use Citric Acid Extracts in recipes where it calls for Lemon juice right?   What a tasty way to medicate:)))

I added 1 teaspoon of herbal cannabis
 using citric acid method that has not
been dried out.  It is still
very soft, and oily

  • Water 2 cups
  • Rice 1 cup
  • Cilantro dried 3 teaspoons (fresh is good, or herbs of your choice)
  • Oil 1 tablespoon
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Citric Acid extract (your choice of herbs prepared using the citric acid method.
  • Garlic 1 clove minced

Here I just added my
garlic and herbs.
  • Bring 2 cups water to boil
  • Add salt, garlic oil and stir
  • Add rice and Citric Acid and cilantro and stir just enough to mix and bring back to a soft boil
  • Cover  immediately with a tight lid and put flame on low for 15 minutes.
After fluffing the rice with a fork, I patted it down
some to cut into proportionate servings like a pie.
Voila!!  Your done.  That simple, and yes its tasty too.
Depending on how much rice and citric acid extract used will depend on your serving size.  This will serve 6-8.  I prefer 6 servings.  However, as with all medications please use accordingly.  Green herbs like parsley or cilantro gives one a natural diuretic effect and you might need to be near a bathroom.  If using cannabis, well don't eat and drive right away.  Please use responsibly.  Note: This food can be frozen if sealed well and used at a later time.

That's it for now.  I hope you enjoy this simple, healthy recipe, and please feel free to share it with others.  If you don't yet know how to make the citric acid herbal extract, visit my other posts as to how easy it is to make these simple extracts. There is also a few more recipes on how to use these extracts.
Till the next time, Many blessings:)

Mary Helen

This is my best friend in the kitchen.  It helps
me make and keep my own "tv" dinners fresh
like it was just cooked.
My homemade "tv" dinners safe from
freezer burn.  Well dinners almost ready

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Herbal candy chews made with a combination
of herbs and extracts, protein powder and sesame
seeds.  It is still warm but cool enough to cut and
I have to admit I have a sweet tooth but store bought candy does not satisfy my cravings.  Store bought candy is either too sweet, or has a lot of unhealthy fats.  It also has stabilizers and preservatives I do not want to put in my body.  Remember I do want to control what goes in my body.  If I don't care, who will?.  So I make my own.  My family loves it.  I know its not the healthiest thing but sometimes we need to satisfy that sweet tooth.  My son couldn't wait to get his hands on it.  LOL.Can you see his fingerprint right in the middle, and the left edge he was trying to roll off?  I caught him and made him wait till after my picture shoot. 

Still warm I rolled them into balls and
popped them on a stick
Ready here goes...

  • Sugar 2 cups
  • herbal butter extract 1/2 cup  (this particular herbal butter was 1/2 coconut oil and 1/2 ghee)
  • herbs  3 grams  ground or two tea bags opened
  • herbal extract citric acid  size of small gumball crumbled
  • coconut milk powder. 1/4 cup (If you use liquid, omit the water)
  • sesame seeds 1/4 cup
  • whey protein powder chocolate or vanilla. 
  • water  1/8 cup
  • vanilla 1 teaspoon
  • salt 1 teaspoon

I put everything in a pot and cooked it down
stirring occasionally to avoid burning.
It took approximately 30 minutes of low stove
top cooking.
Done, I poured this mixture in a another pan to
 spread out to cool.  Be very careful  as it is hot.
Don't line pan with paper like I did.
 It really sticks and you
will lose some candy
I individually wrapped them and put them
in a zip lock baggy and stored them
in the refrigerator
Another delicious herbal candy that you and your family will love.  You cannot really taste the herbs at all if you use herbs like green tea.   Homemade is always better in my books. You can always fancy it up by shaping the balls better and putting a nice wrapper and even a ribbon.  It makes a great little snack that is sweet and yet power packed with nutrition.  Well that's it for tonight.  God Bless and goodnight.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service and please feel free to share my blogs
Mary Helen



Ghee, also known as clarified butter is one of my favorite oils I use daily.  .  Ghee is made from unsalted real dairy butter. All the milk solids are removed from the butter by the process of slow cooking then strained. In Ayurvedic medicine it is recommended to drink/eat two teaspoons of ghee daily for optimum health.  One of my favorite ways to use ghee it is a base for herbal extractions.  Ghee helps extract oil based nutrient's including micro-nutrients that normally cannot be extracted with water.  It extracts the plants natural chemicals like,  phytochemicals (a anti-immune suppressant and cancer fighting agent).   Because ghee has an abundant amount of nutritional value, our body recognizes ghee as a necessary ingredient to our body and greets it with "gusto".  Meaning, our skin readily absorbs and assimilates the ghee and any medicinal properties from the herbs.  Ghee hardens at cool temperatures, and becomes an oil at a room temperature of approximately 78 degrees.  Ghee is great for cooking.  Vegetables are always better stir fried in butter. Right?   Okay, now that we know that ghee is a great base for herbal medicine let me mention some of its nutritional benefits.

I set my ground herbs (any herbs) in the Ghee and put the jar in a pot of hot water.  I
put the pot on the stove, and adjust the burner on low for several hours.  Making
sure to refill the water in the pot as it evaporates.  Crock pot works fine too.
Did you know that ghee is 86% vitamin A and D.  Vitamin A also known as "Vitamin A Retinol"  and contains beta caratene.  It is needed by the retina of the eye.  It also functions as a irreversible oxidized form "retinoic acid.  Folks this is an important hormone like growth factor for 4 basic types of skin tissue.
  • animal tissue (our skin)
  • connective tissue
  • muscle tissue
  • nervous tissue
These skin layers not only protect our whole body, and its organs, it controls our thermal temperature, such as sweating, and absorption.  Our skin is the largest organ in our body. These epitherial cells are nourished by the foods we eat.  And because we eat differently is why some of us age faster than others.  So it's true when they say, you are what you eat.  I apply herbed ghee to my face and body daily.  I call it  my herbed edible body butter.  I make sure I ingest it in food some way or another or I take as is. I cannot even begin to touch the "ice berg" so to speak because there is such an abundant amount of useful information regarding GHEE and its medicinal benefits on the internet. Well folks, you have to find out for yourself, as I did.

Funny though, how I found out about the healing properties of GHEE, a total accident, as I was investigating mink oils (a touch of mink, etc) and their cosmetic benefits. I was just about to click on purchase, when I thought, "do I really want to put mink oil on my face"?  For some reason a chilling thought came across me and I thought of that poor mink that I was asking for it to be killed for my cosmetic benefit.  Yuck.

I forgot to take a picture when I made this last month.
But, this is what my green tea peppermint
edible body butter looks like.  Remember, you can
use any ground herbs.  Just decarb in the oven for
15 minutes if the herbs are still moist, before
you put in your butter.  Now it's a medicated
butter right?  Food is Medicine
Well in continuing my research looking for similar chemical compositons, to keep it short I found it in butter.  As a matter of fact I use GHEE in all my cooking as well as my natural organic cosmetics.  Truly it does absorb and is easily assimilated.  I have felt and noticed a tremendous difference on on my skin.  It feels cleaner, and for my age has a glow.  And i'm not talking grease.  lol!  Now that I am mentioning grease is my  face has always been EXTREMELY oily (get the picture).  I was always avoiding most creams because of the greasy look and waxy feeling I would get after 15 minutes of wearing it.  And adding GHEE on my face was never on my agenda.  But I reluctantly applied it to my clean face. Wow, in less then 2 minutes my face had absorbed all and any oil.  All that was left was a softer, smoother me cleaner me..  Again considering my age at 63 all I can say is "WOW THIS STUFF REALLY WORKS".

The picture you see in my profile was taken a few months ago at age 63.  No more store bought chemicals for me. So now I make my own organic body  butters, and medicated ointments, and.  Yes, I found when it is massaged on my skin,  my skin feels and looks so much more youthful.  My family and friends  love it too.

So folks get your unsalted butter out, clarify it and use it.  However being that it is a good fat, you might want to remove another fat hopefully an unhealthy fat from your diet.  Fat is fat and you dont want to over do it.  Just be wise and use a good fat  that will benefit you and not add pounds of unhealthy fats.

One more time, I hope you like this post,.please feel free to share my  blog, or any one of my other blogs sharing my  $$ $aving healthier recipes.  Thanking you in advance for allowing me to be of service.  Many blessings to all.

Mary Helen